Reserve Account Calculators

We have put together some calculators to help with your reserve budgeting. These have been created for educational purposes only and in no way are a substitute for the recommendations by a professional. It is extremely important to remember, as is always the case with mathematical formulas, that all calculator output data is only as good as what is being inputted. 


If unrealistic or inaccurate information (e.g., costs, inflation, useful life expectancies, etc.) is inputted into these calculators you should expect unreliable results. If you are looking for the services of a professional reserve analyst for independent recommendations and analysis of your reserve account & components, please follow the above Request Proposal link and we would be happy to help.

Percent Funded Calculator

This calculator provides a Percent Funded calculation based on a user inputted limited sized component list. 

Impact of Inflation on Project

This calculator compares the impact of inflation rates on a project cost over a user defined period. 

Common Reserve Component

This list includes commonly found site and building components to be considered for reserve budgeting.   

Component Age, Cost, Inflation & Measurements

Various links and calculators to determine component cost, age, useful life, inflation and measurements for the site and building components to be considered for reserve budgeting.

Component Database List Creator

This component list creator is a database of commonly found site and building components. Select the components which are applicable, export to Excel,  and attach to your order request.