Component Age, Costs & Measurement Calculators

The below links and calculators are useful in developing more reliable age, cost, inflation and measurements for the site and building components that are to be considered when budgeting for reserves. An accurate and comprehensive component list, which is based on component measurements and quantities, is the most important factor when budgeting for reserves as all funding models developed are based on this list. Unreliable information will result in unreliable funding models.

Age / In-Service Date

Cost Data


Site Component Calculators

Building Calculators

Useful Life Charts

Age / In-Service Date

One of the most important aspects of the reserve study process is determining when building and site components were installed and/or built. Often site and building components are constructed or remodeled at the same time so finding just a few actual dates can be extremely helpful. Manufactures often like to label their material with a code (deciphering the code can typically be found online) for quality. Here are a few other pictures, tips, and links we have found helpful in determining when an item was placed in service:

Cost Data


Useful Life Charts